“WalkMe uncovers non-obvious factors that lead to churn - achieves 13% improvement in retention efforts.”
Sam W.
Marketing Ops
95% reduction in

time-to-insights (TTI).

13% improvement

in CS retention efforts.

10X deeper

insights into  customer behavior.

10X deeper

insights into  customer behavior.

10X deeper

insights into  customer behavior.

The Future of Scoring is Cross-Cloud
Unlike traditional scoring methods, Forwrd integrates with all of your data sources: Salesforce, HubSpot, Outreach, Snowflake, Redshift, and more.
Move Beyond One-Dimensional Scoring
WalkMe wanted to understand which WalkMe implementation factors delight users and which ones cause churn. While experienced analysts were tasked with the job, there was a long time gap between building a model, generating insights, and sharing insights with CSMs. Instead of developing an in-house churn prevention model, WalkMe turned to Forwrd’s predictive scoring capability to uncover which implementation factors contribute to retention and which ones led to churn. Within 48 hours, Forwrd was able to help the BI team to monitor customers’ health and surface to CSMs the features they should implement to improve retention, as well as the ones they should avoid altogether.
The Future of Scoring is Cross-Cloud
Unlike traditional scoring methods, Forwrd integrates with all of your data sources: Salesforce, HubSpot, Outreach, Snowflake, Redshift, and more.
The Challenge
WalkMe is the market leader in Digital Adoption. The company needed to deploy an AI model that will continuously monitor its paying customers and analyze all the WalkMe implementation features that contribute to churn and retention; however, to deploy and train such a model would require the time and resources of multiple internal stakeholders, and the estimated go-live time was months away.
The Solution
To expedite this critical initiative, WalkMe turned to Forwrd, and within just two business days, an AI model was built on top of WalkMe’s AWS Redshift data warehouse product-usage data, helping the BI team to understand which specific product features contribute to retention and exactly how many of these features should be implemented by CSMs.
The Results
Armed with these insights, and thanks to Forwrd’s automation features, CSMs can now deliver better implementations that delight customers and better anticipate which existing implementations need improvement –contributing to at 13% improvement in CS retention efforts.
About WalkMe
WalkMe (NASDAQ: WKME) pioneered the Digital Adoption Platform (DAP) to simplify user experiences by combining insights, engagement, guidance and automation capabilities. Founded in 2011, WalkMe’s mission is to make digital adoption for employees and customers simple, while increasing enterprise productivity. The WalkMe platform works as an invisible layer of visual cues and personalized content placed on top of your website or enterprise software. WalkMe’s DAP is used by thousands of enterprises worldwide spanning all industries and platforms for onboarding, training new and existing users on new processes, and improving overall productivity by providing contextual guidance in real-time.