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Driving Growth in a Downturn w/ Predictive Analytics

Driving Growth in a Downturn w/ Predictive AnalyticsDriving Growth in a Downturn w/ Predictive Analytics

New mobile apps to keep an eye on

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  2. Mauris aliquet faucibus iaculis dui vitae ullamco
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  4. Posuere enim mi pharetra neque  pellentesque aliquet tellus proindi

What new social media mobile apps are available in 2023?

Sollicitudin rhoncus ullamcorper ullamcorper venenatis sed vestibulum eu quam pellentesque aliquet tellus integer curabitur pharetra integer et ipsum nunc et facilisis etiam vulputate blandit ultrices est lectus vulputate eget urna, non sed lacus tortor etamet sed sagittis id porttitor parturient posuere.

Posuere enim mi pharetra neque proin vulputate blandit ultrices

Use new social media apps as marketing funnels

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  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur fringilla ut morbi tincidunt.
  • Mauris aliquet faucibus iaculis dui vitae ullamco neque proin vulputate interdum.
  • Posuere enim mi pharetra neque proin  bibendum felis donec et odio.
  • Posuere enim mi pharetra neque proin aliquam mauris at viverra id mi eget.
“Eget lorem dolor sed viverra ipsum nunc aliquet bibendum felis donec et odio pellentesque diam volutpat.”
Try out Twitter Spaces or Clubhouse on iPhone

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What app are you currently experimenting on?

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Over $630 billion of venture capital was invested in tech companies in 2021.

Let’s fast forward to Q2 2022. 

Interest rates are rising, market liquidity is declining, and so does public and private market valuations.

Start-ups are cutting headcount and marketing budgets, and while it doesn’t mean the world is ending, it’s clear that the industry is shifting from growth to efficiency metrics.

Improving efficiency metrics is key

This reality calls for better utilization of resources, increased employee autonomy, and above all – agility.

And in this new environment, the frontline (i.e., marketing and sales) must be able to run independently to deliver results.

But how can you untangle bureaucracy and technical dependencies to help revenue-generating teams to execute autonomously and with confidence?

This is where no-code solutions can help.

No-code can solve more problems than you realize

If you have been in tech for a while, you already know that no-code development platforms are tools for building all sorts of software applications without coding.

Even the former CEO of GitHub said he believes that in the near future all applications will run on no-code platforms, allowing non-technical workers to realize value from software and automation.

Tools like Zapier and Airtable are popular alternatives to traditional software development, designed specifically for non-technical business users seeking to build solutions for improving efficiencies and driving faster results.

“The future of coding is no coding at all.” – Chris Wanstrath, Former CEO at GitHub.

No-code predictive analytics for go-to-market teams

The real beauty of no-code platforms is that they move the power of innovation into the hands of your entire organization.

Non-technical business managers can step in and meet the demands for faster data-driven insights across  business functions.

At Forwrd, we talk to dozens of Marketing and Sales teams each month, and we know for a fact that it’s challenging for them to leverage data to improve results.

Yes, go-to-market teams collect mountains of data. And still, it’s nearly impossible for them to use it to predict outcomes.

Imagine being able to predict which marketing channels and sales outreach activities will work and which ones to avoid.

Taking a chance on no-code predictive analytics has never made more sense

We find that the idea of running complex data analyses typically discourage business managers. 

Why? Simply because they well understand they won’t be able to surface actionable business predictions in a timely fashion.

Being forced to go through analysts, data teams, integration developers, and other gatekeepers, just to develop predictions from data is demoralizing, to say the least.

And now, when resources are running low, go-to-market teams must think creatively and try alternatives that can set them apart and accelerate business outcomes.

Forwrd offers a unique, agile solution for go-to-market leaders that want to leverage data to drive revenue growth through actionable business predictions. 

Forwrd dramatically cuts the time it takes to surface revenue-impacting predictions, allowing anyone in your marketing or sales organization to generate predictions in a matter of minutes.

To see a live demo of Forwrd, the no-code predictive analytics for business leaders, sign up below, and we will get you up and running in no time.

Ready to accelerate your GTM motions with AI-powered predictions?
Discover how you can identify every high-potential prospect & at-risk customer (without technical skills).

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