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How to Enrich Salesforce with Revenue Intelligence

How to Enrich Salesforce with Revenue IntelligenceHow to Enrich Salesforce with Revenue Intelligence

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B2B go-to-market teams face increasingly complex challenges when trying to use all the data they own to close deals and maximize their revenues successfully.

If you have a personal analyst helping you make sense of your cross-cloud data, good for you!

But not everyone is so lucky.

To ensure success, B2B go-to-market leaders need a simple, automated way to analyze cross-cloud data quickly, identify customer needs, make well-informed decisions, and prioritize the most qualified contacts faster than the competition.

But how can this be achieved?

Enter no-code predictive analytics.

No-Code Predictive Analytics and Salesforce

Several powerful platforms are designed specifically to enable B2B teams to reach their sales targets by enriching Salesforce with revenue intelligence.

Some of these platforms require technical skills, while others are no-code, meaning any domain expert can set them up and extract value without relying on internal stakeholders.

You are probably familiar with no-code platforms like Zapier and IFTTT. Now you can use the same concept to connect your data sources, join them, clean them, and build a predictive model to enrich Salesforce with revenue intelligence.

For example, you can use no-code predictive analytics to automatically integrate external data such as firmographics, demographic, and marketing data into Salesforce, and this will enable you to quickly spot opportunities in your existing or potential customers – and act on them.

Salesforce Revenue Intelligence Made Easy

For most companies, Salesforce acts as their single source of truth.

While they dump important customer data into salesforce, sales reps can have a hard time making sense of it.

Said reps need concise and actionable bits of revenue intelligence to act on – not another dashboard that can be interpreted subjectively.

With its ability to join and analyze data from cross-cloud sources such as intent, demographics, firmographics, market trends, and more, solutions like Forwrd can help B2B teams to better put revenue intelligence predictions in Forwrd, to better understand customers and respond to them.

AI & Automation are Key to Efficiency and Results

By using machine learning algorithms and AI capabilities, Forwrd can automatically scan millions of data points each day and run them through a proprietary algorithm.

Historical data is leveraged to forecast future outcomes, provide more accurate predictions and enable real time action on sales opportunities.

This means that instead of manually gathering data and analyzing it, B2B teams can use automated AI-driven insights to enrich Salesforce with revenue intelligence quicker than ever before.

Breaking Barriers to Revenue Intelligence

Tools like Forwrd are fully integrated with Salesforce so that go-to-market teams can access a unified source of truth that is continually updated and optimized – meaning they no longer have to spend time manually enriching Salesforce data or relying on specialized data teams.

Rather than piecing together information from various sources, building a predictive model with scientists, and using IT to integrate everything back into Salesforce, sales reps can get all the insights they need to make smarter decisions at a glance.

Try it for Yourself

Enriching Salesforce with revenue intelligence can be the key to unlocking meaningful customer insights that drive better performance and higher conversion rates – allowing go-to-market teams to reach their sales targets faster.

By automating the data analysis process, B2B teams can quickly identify the hottest prospects and engage them with the right message.

Tools like Forwrd enable sales reps to make smarter decisions, target qualified leads more efficiently, and maximize revenues in record time.

With revenue intelligence, your company can focus on closing more deals and optimizing their sales strategy – all while saving time and money.

Learn more: www.forwrd.ai

Ready to accelerate your GTM motions with AI-powered predictions?
Discover how you can identify every high-potential prospect & at-risk customer (without technical skills).

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