🔥New! Self-learning models – Your scoring models become smarter every day. Talk to an expert!

Free Lead Scoring Template - Use it to Evaluate Leads

Free Lead Scoring Template - Use it to Evaluate LeadsFree Lead Scoring Template - Use it to Evaluate Leads

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When businesses do marketing, they are primarily worried about getting enough new leads.

But once they have leads, they need to find out who's really sales-ready, so that sales reps will focus their efforts on leads most likely to convert in paying customers.

Rule Based Scoring vs AI Lead Scoring

The free template featured in this article helps you perform this process manually, by setting scoring rules that assign grades to different attributes and actions performed by your prospects.

However, if you wish to automate this process with the help of AI, instead of doing it manually, we encourage your to visit Forwrd.ai

Lead Scoring Basics

Lead scoring can be a complex process, but our free template is here to point you  in the right direction and help you complete this process successfully.

First, you need to understand who your ICP (ideal customer profile) is.

It’s best to think in terms of non-engagement attributes (e.g., filmographies & demographics) and engagement metrics.

Here are some examples:

Non-engagement attributes:

  • Company location
  • Company industry
  • Company size
  • Prospect role within the company

Engagement metrics:

  • Last visit
  • Pages viewed
  • Number of pages viewed
  • Marketing email engagement

To make the process easier - start with a general target score and assign scores to the attributes that reflect what might make up a total score. 

Smaller attributes would have smaller scores, more impactful attributes would have higher scores.

Lead Scoring Template

👉 Get your lead scoring template here

This spreadsheet empowers you to tailor a lead scoring system for your unique business needs. 

It includes two customizable worksheets and an integrated calculator. 

Feel free to modify the provided fields on the worksheets by adding or removing criteria to best fit your company. 

You get to decide the maximum lead score, whether 30, 100 or another value aligned with your objectives. 

As you update the worksheets to dial in the right factors, simply sync those to the calculator to instantly adapt the calculations. 

With this flexible framework, you can build an optimized lead scoring process that helps teams focus efforts and close more sales.

Want to do this automatically with AI instead of manually? Visit Forwrd.ai

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Discover how you can identify every high-potential prospect & at-risk customer (without technical skills).

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🔥New! Self-learning models – Your scoring models become smarter every day. Talk to an expert!