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Marketing & Sales Alignment: How to Boost it in 2024

Marketing & Sales Alignment: How to Boost it in 2024Marketing & Sales Alignment: How to Boost it in 2024

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In B2B SaaS, achieving marketing and sales alignment is paramount for driving revenue growth. 

But in most companies, there's always some tension between marketing and sales.

😡 Sales blames marketing for bringing in low quality leads.

😤 Marketing blames sales for not following up effectively.

To stay competitive in 2024, companies must harness AI to bridge the gap between marketing and sales teams.

This article explores the potential impact of predictive AI lead and account scoring on marketing and sales alignment.

We’ll cover how this technology can help marketing departments to evaluate and rank prospects with exceptional accuracy and allow sales reps to excel at closing these prospects.

The Role of AI Scoring in Marketing Sales Alignment

AI has reached new heights in 2023, and the year to follow is expected to be a year of operational efficiency.

When it comes to the collaboration of marketing and sales, this function can be enhanced by AI-powered predictive scoring solutions.

Cross-Cloud Data Integration

One of the challenges in marketing and sales alignment is the fragmentation of data across various platforms. 

AI-powered scoring solutions can seamlessly integrate data from different sources and systems, providing a comprehensive view of each lead or opportunity.

This cross-cloud data integration helps to join together siloed data to ensure sales reps have access to unified, up-to-date lead (and account) scores that are based on hard data.

And with this data, the predictive scoring solution can accurately evaluate leads and opportunities, making it easier for sales teams to focus their efforts where they matter most.

When your scoring system consider all of your customer data, it's easier understand which leads and accounts are worth chasing.

If sales in unhappy with leads, marketing show them why exactly those leads were considered qualified.

The Activation Process

The real magic happens when the scores generated by the predictive AI scoring solution are seamlessly integrated into business apps sales reps use daily. 

This means that the scores and insights produced by AI are not just numbers on a screen, but they're actionable information that can be used immediately.

Speed to Lead

One of the critical benefits of this approach is the improvement in speed-to-lead. 

When leads are scored and prioritized automatically, sales teams can reach out to the most promising leads – without any delay. 

This immediate response can make a substantial difference in securing a sale.

Benefits and Outcomes

With these AI-generated scores (and their respective explanations) sales reps can better understand their prospects and personalize their outreach.

They can tailor their messaging, content, and overall approach based on the prospect’s needs and prefereneces, ensuring that each interaction is hyper relevant. 

This level of personalization can significantly increase the chances of turning leads into loyal customers.

Improved Conversions

By using AI to evaluate and rank leads and opportunities, companies can significantly boost their conversion rates. 

This data-driven approach ensures that sales teams better understand the quality of their leads, and that they are focusing their energy where it matters most, which naturally translates to a higher likelihood of closing deals.

What’s Next?

Marketing and sales alignment is critical for revenue growth and success.

As we move into 2024, leveraging AI-powered scoring solutions that evaluate and rank prospects based on cross-cloud data is the key to enhancing marketing sales alignment. 

These solutions not only prioritize leads for sales reps but also provide valuable insights that empower sales reps to personalize communication. 

Through a quick (and resource-light) implementation you can:

🤝 Consolidate siloed data for a unified view of prospects/accounts.

🟢 Score leads/accounts based on your cross-cloud data.

🎯 Activate scores seamlessly within sales workflows for instant impact.

💰 Achieve faster response times, deeper personalization, and higher conversions.

The future of B2B SaaS is data-driven, and those who adapt AI to make more of their data will thrive in 2024 and beyond.

Ready to accelerate your GTM motions with AI-powered predictions?
Discover how you can identify every high-potential prospect & at-risk customer (without technical skills).

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