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PLG Strategy: 6 Ways to Optimize It Today

PLG Strategy: 6 Ways to Optimize It TodayPLG Strategy: 6 Ways to Optimize It Today

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Product-Led Growth (PLG) has emerged as a powerful strategy for driving customer acquisition and expansion.

To stay ahead, B2B SaaS RevOps leaders need to continuously fine-tune their PLG approach.

In this article, we will explore six key tips for optimizing your PLG strategy.

Ensure Pricing Aligns with Value Delivered

A PLG offer may not be converting because of the wrong price.

Keep in mind that before users start taking advantage of your product, they don't yet derive value from it.

So, users may not even start using the product because they're unsure what it will cost them, and they don't want to waste time just to find out the product's price exceeds their perceived value.

With that in mind, strive to optimize your pricing with a free forever, free trial, or a low-cost plan to give users a good reason to invest time into learning and adopting your solution.

You can always ask them to upgrade as they derive more value.

Incorporate Feedback Loops

Create a feedback mechanism within the product to collect user suggestions.

Too often, we attempt to optimize things by looking at the numbers without involving customers.

So, strive to use feedback collected in the PLG onboarding process to drive improvements and enhancements that genuinely address user needs.

Track Events with In-Product Analytics

Be sure to implement product analytics to track user behavior events within the product.

This will help you understand how users engage with features, where they drop off, and what drives conversions.

As they say, "If you can't measure it, you can't manage it."

Establish clear key performance indicators (KPIs) and regularly monitor them to gauge the success of your PLG motion and adjust your strategy based on performance data.

Personalize User Onboarding

Don't assume users know what to do after they sign up for your product.

In life, minimalistic spaces tend to remove distractions and increase our focus, but in software products, ironically, empty states can confuse users.

So, be sure to tailor onboarding journeys that guide users to realize the full potential of your product to engage users effectively from the start.

Remember that onboarding doesn't take place only within the product; ensure that the marketing team is aligned with your PLG efforts.

Ask them to nurture users outside your product with personalized email sequences that introduce tips, tricks, and best practices relevant to their use-case.

Incorporate Product Virality Triggers

Charlie Munger famously said, "Show me the incentive, and I will show you the outcome."

When it comes to product usage, the same principle applies.

Make an effort to incorporate incentives, such as free usage credits, to encourage users to invite their team members and peers to use your product.

This will help develop prospective accounts, as multiple users from the same account will begin adopting your product.

Implement Predictive Lead Scoring

Your users' journeys span beyond your product.

For instance, a user may view landing pages, videos, and other marketing materials before starting a free trial.

These types of cross-platform, cross-cloud journeys call for a deeper analysis that can only be done using some sort of predictive analytics solution.

This technology allows you to connect the dots between all the ways users engage with your business and your product, ultimately helping you identify and prioritize high-value prospects, who are most likely to convert, even if they have just started using your product in a PLG fashion.

Predictive analytics solutions like Forwrd even let you automate this process, ensuring your sales and marketing teams focus their efforts where it matters most.


Optimizing your Product-Led Growth strategy is a self-service imperative that is crucial for growth.

By considering these six tips, B2B SaaS RevOps leaders can elevate their PLG motion and stay ahead of the curve.

Embrace the power of data, personalization, and continuous improvement to drive growth and secure a competitive edge in an ever-evolving landscape.

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