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Predictive AI 2.0 is Here (And Savvy Revenue Leaders Use it to Win)

Predictive AI 2.0 is Here (And Savvy Revenue Leaders Use it to Win)Predictive AI 2.0 is Here (And Savvy Revenue Leaders Use it to Win)

New mobile apps to keep an eye on

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Use new social media apps as marketing funnels

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The cloud computing revolution has brought a massive data tsunami.

Suddenly, companies were drowning in more data than they knew what to do with. 

Data analysts became the lifeguards, using data visualization to make sense of "what happened" and "why."

But that was just the warm-up act.

When Machine Learning Started Shaking Things Up

Remember when machine learning started going mainstream?

It started being used in all sorts of consumer applications:

  • Content recommendations (Netflix, Spotify, Amazon) 
  • Fraud detection (Paypal, Stripe)
  • Financial forecasting (Intuit/Mint)

And while it wasn’t nearly the type of AI earthquake that came after more recent innovations like OpenAI/ChatGPT, it sure improved our lives!

Only one hiccup – 

For companies that weren’t tech giants, implementing machine learning took serious effort and resources.

Not every business could just flip the switch.

No-Code AI for the Non-Technical 

With time, automated machine learning (AutoML) solutions have emerged.

No-code interfaces allowed non-technical domain experts to automate various processes like data analysis, model building, model retraining, and even employee enablement.

And even though these solutions offered a quick way for go-to-market teams to spin up models and tackle everyday challenges – gaps still remained.

  • Data hygiene - Teams still struggled to prepare their (messy) data for analysis
  • Next best action - Teams didn’t always know what they should do next with their predictions

That's where LLMs came into the picture, giving us unprecedented ability to:

  • Clean data and remove errors before analyzing it
  • Gain visibility into what our next best course of action should be

Now Predictive AI 2.0 is Changing Everything

When you take a predictive model and combine it with proprietary LLMs trained on the company’s data, you end up with what we call Predictive AI 2.0

Large language models (LLMs) are advanced AI models that can read and understand data almost like humans. 

But LLMs are not exclusive to content writing. With LLMs trained on B2B data, Predictive AI can:

  1. Fill in any holes or missing pieces in your B2B data
  2. Weed out errors and inconsistencies
  3. Surface anomalies and simplify reporting
  4. Improve model output readability
  5. Fine tune predictive models 
  6. Let you ask your model questions

Pretty incredible stuff, right?

How the Savviest B2B Leaders Are Winning With It

The smartest B2B revenue leaders are tapping into Predictive AI to gain a huge competitive edge:

1. Spot revenue opportunities in existing pipelines

2. Optimize sales strategies based on forward looking trends

3. Detect churn trends and product-usage changes

By leveraging Predictive AI 2.0, these leaders can steer their ships with data-driven decisions that actually move the revenue needle.

The Future Is Happening Right Now

While others are still reacting to the past, the savviest leaders are using Predictive AI to create the future they want.

If cutting-edge technologies like this are being embraced, can you afford not to take a look?

Food for thought as you chart your own course.

Ready to accelerate your GTM motions with AI-powered predictions?
Discover how you can identify every high-potential prospect & at-risk customer (without technical skills).

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