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Revive Your Sales Pipeline by Scoring Old Leads

Revive Your Sales Pipeline by Scoring Old LeadsRevive Your Sales Pipeline by Scoring Old Leads

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Expanding sales pipelines is critical for fast-scaling B2B companies, but focusing solely on net-new leads has its challenges. 

Savvy revenue teams are realizing that there is massive untapped potential in old, cold leads that were previously showing some interest but eventually disengaged. 

By using predictive scoring models they can determine which of those old leads are most likely to convert if re-engaged, allowing them to revive those stalled deals. 

This is proving to be an effective way of driving more pipeline and revenue out of leads they already have data on.

Predictive Revival of Once-Warm Leads

Marketing databases are filled with leads in all funnel stages, including old ones who previously showed interest before fading away.

Perhaps they downloaded a report 6 months back and then went dark, but that doesn’t mean they won’t convert if engaged properly.

Predictive scoring analyzes historical behavioral and attribute data to identify the ripest re-activation opportunities within these dormant leads.

This allows for multichannel nurturing campaigns that are more than just spray-and-pray emails.

As leads get re-engaged, the scoring model continues learning and ranking them based on their responses so sales-ready leads surface quickly for SDR follow-up.

Predictive Scores Guide Better Resource Allocation

Predictive lead scoring focuses sales and marketing bandwidth on resurrecting leads by showing the strongest signals first, instead of wasting time cold-calling dead ends. 

Tailored nurture sequences can then align to the predictive score, so each segment gets communication matched to their potential.

Essentially, this use of predictive analytics eliminates pipeline guesswork on who to prioritize and when. 

Predictive Insights Guide Better Campaigns

In the same vein, predictive insights should fuel data-driven multichannel engagement campaigns, not email nurturing tactics.

As leads get reactivated, their updated responses and behaviors feed back into the scoring models dynamically, so prioritized lists stay relevant on who’s most sales-ready now.

In turn, every cross-channel activity becomes smarter and more targeted to maximize campaign performance.

Final Thoughts

Applying predictive scoring to analyze and re-engage old leads can significantly boost your sales pipeline. 

Prioritizing dormant prospects using data-led insights (over mere assumptions) will result in improved resource allocation and conversion rates.

For growth-focused companies, hidden revenue likely lies untapped within existing databases. 

Predictive analytics holds the key to unlocking this.

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