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To Drive RevOps Success, You Need a Data Warehouse

To Drive RevOps Success, You Need a Data WarehouseTo Drive RevOps Success, You Need a Data Warehouse

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In B2B SaaS, modern go-to-market strategies and revenue generation activities are often compared to an assembly line.

With marketing at the beginning, sales in the middle, and customer success at the end – each stage needs to be carefully coordinated for the process to run smoothly.

Marketing needs to generate leads that sales can follow up on, and sales needs to close deals that customer success can onboard and support throughout the life of the engagement.

When all the pieces come together, modern GTM motions can be a powerful tool for growing a business.

But when any one stage isn’t pulling its weight, it can create bottlenecks and drag down the whole operation, and that’s where RevOps come in.

Enter RevOps

If you're in the business of generating revenue, you should be familiar with the term "RevOps."

RevOps is shorthand for Revenue Operations, and it's a relatively new function responsible for streamlining the revenue generation activities.

To excel in their job, RevOps must leverage data coming from a multitude of sources.

Let's explore why relying on CRM data is no longer enough and what you can do instead to streamline your revenue-generating assembly line and achieve RevOps success.

CRM Data Is No Longer King

For too long, the CRM has been the undisputed ruler of customer data. But just because the CRM is where most of your customer data lives doesn't mean it's the only source of truth.

In fact, relying solely on your CRM data is a surefire way to miss out on important insights that could help you drive more revenue.

The truth is, CRMs are designed to track customer interactions, not to give you a holistic view of your customers.

This means that important data points like website activity, product usage, and even support ticketing activity often fall through the cracks.

As a result, your teams wind up making decisions based on incomplete information—and that's never a good idea.

A Data Warehouse Is Needed for GTM Success

So what's the solution? A data warehouse is a centralized repository for all your organization's data—including customer data.

By having all your data in one place, you can get a complete picture of your customers and make better go-to-market decisions.

Data warehouses are especially useful for RevOps because they allow you to track multiple user journeys and revenue streams in one place.

This is critical for understanding how users engage with your business and which channels are most effective at generating new revenue—and which ones need improvement.

With a data warehouse in place, there's no longer any excuse for not being able to see the full picture of your customers.

Enter the Micro Data Warehouse—A Faster Way to Make Sense of GTM Data

A micro data warehouse is a type of data warehouse that is designed to be used by a specific group of people.

It typically contains only a subset of the data that is contained in a full-sized data warehouse, making it easier to manage and query.

Micro data warehouses offered in solutions like forwrd's predictive analytics are often used for specific tasks, such as analyzing data, predicting outcomes, and surfacing insights.

A micro data warehouse acts as a cost-effective way to store, manage, and analyze data.

It's the perfect setup for non-technical RevOps that want to extract predictions and insights from large data sets in a self-serve fashion, without depending on data teams.

Take Action and Empower Everyone to Thrive

If you want to be successful in RevOps, you need to think about how you can better leverage your data to make it easier for marketing, sales, and success managers to hit their targets.

Relying on CRM data alone is no longer sufficient—you got to be able to see all your customer data in one place to better enable GTM employees to make informed decisions.

Fortunately, data warehouses make this easy by giving you a centralized repository for all your customer data, so if you don't use a data warehouse yet, now is the time to make the leap.

Why now? With advancements in automation and machine learning, several platforms let you completely automate the data preparation, AI modeling, and insights deployment processes, helping you remove dependencies and boost go-to-market efficiencies by orders of magnitude!

This blog post is a collaboration between Forwrd.ai and Ben Segal, Director of Business Operations & Analytics @ Workiz, the all-in-one home service management software & app.

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