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Why Rule-Based Scoring Just Won’t Cut it in 2023

Why Rule-Based Scoring Just Won’t Cut it in 2023Why Rule-Based Scoring Just Won’t Cut it in 2023

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If you're a B2B software vendor, you may have relied on rule-based scoring to qualify leads and users.

While this may have worked in the past, in 2023, this method will no longer be valid.

Using rule-based scoring is like driving a car with no GPS.

If you're lucky, you might make it to your destination, but the journey will require more effort than necessary.

If you aren't that lucky, you might drive in circles, wasting time and resources.

Rule-based scoring has limitations that prevent it from differentiating between qualified and unqualified users.

Now is the perfect time to look for a better way to perform deep qualification of your users!

Let's dive in.

What's Rule-Based Scoring?

Rule-based scoring is a system that uses predetermined rules to dictate which leads have the highest chance of converting into customers.

For example,  if a prospect's company has an annual revenue of over one million dollars, you might classify them as a "qualified" lead and focus your efforts on them.

In the past, rule-based scoring may have been enough to help you identify qualified leads based on demographics, firmographics, and some intent signals.

However, in 2023, this may no longer be the case.

Why Rule-Based Scoring Is Flawed

The main reason rule-based scoring won't cut it anymore is that the B2B software industry has changed drastically.

Companies collect so much data, and most of them can't figure out how to make sense of it all.

And rule-based scoring is too limited in its ability to factor in all available data points to present an accurate picture of customer behavior.

Sure, it can help you target leads that meet certain criteria, but it doesn't give you deep insight into why a lead might convert or what kind of experience they had while using your product.

Dynamic Businesses Can't Look at Data Through a Straw

Businesses make constant changes to their product and marketing initiatives, and while scoring rules may be valid today, they won't work tomorrow due to changing conditions.

And so, relying solely on a rule-based system could leave you at a disadvantage when competing against other B2B software vendors using more advanced methods for qualifying users.

The only way to truly stay ahead of the competition is to use a system that can dynamically adjust and learn from data in real time.

What's the Solution?

The solution is to move towards an AI-powered scoring system that dynamically adjusts and learns from data in real-time.

Machine learning can help you gain deep insight into customer behavior and better understand users in a way that rule-based scoring can’t.

It should come as no surprise that rule-based scoring isn’t going to cut it for B2B software vendors in 2023.

It simply isn’t an effective way of measuring all critical user attributes and touchpoints, leading to a lack of insight into your prospects' needs and behaviors.

To stay competitive, B2B software vendors must score users dynamically, based on cross-cloud data, to enable GTM teams to drive efficiencies and maximize revenue KPIs.

Learn more at Forwrd, the no-code predictive analytics platform.

Ready to accelerate your GTM motions with AI-powered predictions?
Discover how you can identify every high-potential prospect & at-risk customer (without technical skills).

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