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5 Signs a Lead Scoring Model Needs a Tune Up  

5 Signs a Lead Scoring Model Needs a Tune Up  5 Signs a Lead Scoring Model Needs a Tune Up  

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For B2B SaaS firms, lead scoring sits at the heart of aligning marketing and sales.

This critical hand-off point requires careful attention, as even minor inaccuracies in scoring models can lead to wasted efforts and resources.

Marketing ops leaders must constantly evaluate their scoring model’s health to avoid sending low quality leads to sales or missing out on high quality prospects.

This blog post covers five red flags that might suggest it’s time to recalibrate your scoring model.

If you encounter any of these issues with your scoring, then it likely needs tuning:

Scores Don’t Align with Conversions

Do sales teams continually express dissatisfaction with the quality of leads generated? 

It's a glaring sign that your lead scoring model needs attention. Inaccurate signals are likely to undermine the model.

If leads with a high score convert at lower rates than mid-tier ones, certain behavioral factors might need to be downweighted.

Be sure to regularly assess lead performance by tier to catch misalignments early.

Also, regular communication between marketing and sales teams is essential to fine-tune the scoring criteria and ensure sellers don’t waste time on low-quality leads.

Action Item: Compare lead scores with actual conversion rates regularly. If there is a significant discrepancy between the two, it indicates the need for recalibration.

Conversion Metrics Take a Dip 

As time goes on and markets change, the accuracy of lead scoring can decrease, just like with any analytical model. 

One way to identify when adjustments are necessary is by tracking conversion metrics, such as the conversion rates from marketing qualified leads (MQLs) to sales qualified leads (SQLs). 

When the conversion rates start to dip, it becomes a clear signal that it's time for tune-ups and recalibrations in the lead scoring process. 

By staying vigilant and monitoring these indicators, businesses can ensure that their lead scoring remains effective and aligned with their evolving market dynamics.

Action Item: Monitor conversion metrics, such as MQL to SAL to SQL rates, on an ongoing basis. Any noticeable decline in these rates can signal the need for a tune up.

Imbalanced Tiers Distort Segmentation 

An imbalance in scoring tiers themselves can reveal a lackluster model. 

Too few leads occupying top or bottom tiers indicates they fail to segment properly. 

This imbalance can result in missed opportunities or inaccurate prioritization of leads.

To resolve this issue, a deeper analysis of the scoring components is necessary. 

Employing clustering methods can help identify patterns and group leads based on similar characteristics, allowing for an accurate distribution across the scoring tiers. 

By ensuring a more refined segmentation approach, you will enhance the effectiveness of your lead scoring model and improve lead prioritization.

Action Item: Analyze the distribution of leads across different scoring tiers. If there is a significant imbalance, it suggests a need to revisit the scoring components and adjust the tiers accordingly.

Misalignment with the Ideal Customer

Lead scoring relies on the fundamental principle of aligning signals with the traits exhibited by the ideal customer. 

However, when prospects with high scores significantly deviate from the Ideal Customer Profile (ICP), it indicates a potential issue with the accuracy of correlations in the algorithm.

Inaccurate correlations can lead to skewed scores, potentially causing businesses to misidentify high-potential leads or overlook those that closely match their target customer persona. 

To address this, it is crucial to revisit the signals within the lead scoring model that contribute to the ICP. 

By placing emphasis on the key attributes and behaviors that define the ideal customer, businesses can refine their lead scoring model and improve its alignment with the desired customer profile. 

This ensures that the scoring system accurately reflects the traits of the best-fit customers, ultimately leading to more effective lead prioritization and increased success in customer acquisition.

Action Item: Regularly review the correlation between high-scoring prospects and the Ideal Customer Profile (ICP). If there are deviations or inconsistencies, it may be necessary to update the scoring model to align with the ICP.

The ICP Keeps Changing

Finally, with evolving products and markets, Ideal Customer Profiles themselves shift over time. 

Since ICP alignment sits at the heart of lead scoring, significant changes can make your scoring less relevant. 

As businesses' sales priorities change and target segments transform, the underlying factors and signals that drive the lead scoring model should be recalibrated accordingly. 

The weighting given to different signals might need to be adjusted to reflect the new ICP. 

Regularly revisiting and updating the ICP, and subsequently adjusting the lead scoring model, ensures that your sales and marketing efforts remain focused and effective. 

It allows businesses to stay in tune with their market dynamics and ensures they are always targeting and prioritizing the most promising leads.

Action Item: Stay updated on changes in the product, market, and target segments. Assess if these changes require adjustments to the lead scoring model, including the weighting and signals used.

Final Thoughts

The best scoring models balance simplicity and adaptability to stay aligned as market conditions shift. 

Routinely inspect for the issues mentioned in this article to keep your lead prioritization sharply focused and value leaks contained.

About Forwrd.ai

Want to step up to an AI-powered approach to lead scoring? Give Forwrd.ai a spin. 

Forwrd allows non-technical, go-to-market leaders to develop, deploy, and understand predictive scoring models that adapt, learn, and improve over time – without having to involve analysts or data science teams.

Experience the future of lead scoring for yourself with Forwrd.ai

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