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AI Marketing Stack: A Getting Started Guide

AI Marketing Stack: A Getting Started GuideAI Marketing Stack: A Getting Started Guide

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With AI taking the world by storm, companies now see its immense value, and top executives like CEOs and CMOs are pushing their teams to use AI in their everyday tasks and projects.

This blog post will serve as a blueprint to help B2B SaaS marketing leaders have a map that guides them in the transition into AI-powered marketing departments.

AI – Industrial Revolution-Level Efficiency Gain

A new MIT study finds workers improved productivity by 37% using ChatGPT, an “Industrial Revolution-level large” efficiency gain, according to Aidan Gomez of Cohere.

We believe the ChatGPT is just the beginning of a revolution that will go way beyond large language models (LLMs).

With AI deployed across more critical functions within a B2B marketing organization, a 10X improvement in efficiency can be achieved, spurring the next wave of productivity and economic growth.

Let's explore the most vital components of a typical B2B SaaS customer acquisition funnel you'll find in the majority of marketing departments – and how these functions can be improved by AI.

Content Generation

Content generation, the process of creating content like website copy, landing pages, blog posts, or social media updates, is central to a business’s marketing efforts, as it helps businesses convey their value proposition and attract their target audience.

AI can be used in content generation to automate the process of creating high-quality content based on data and insights. By using AI, businesses can save time and resources by creating content faster and more efficiently.

There are many different tools that can be used to implement AI in content generation, but we recommend Jasper.ai: A tool that uses AI to generate unique articles based on a given topic.

AI technology advanced faster than anyone anticipated, and now tools like Jasper can even learn the unique voice and style of your business and generate content that is personalized and consistent with your brand!

Data Enrichment

Once leads are acquired, data enrichment is typically used. It’s the process of enhancing, refining, or improving raw data by adding information from other sources. This is important because it helps businesses make better decisions by providing more accurate and complete information about prospects and customers.

AI can be used in data enrichment to automate the process of gathering and integrating data from multiple sources. By using AI, the process of data enrichment is faster and more efficient. It also eliminates errors due to manual data entry that can occur when humans are involved. 

There is no shortage of tools that can be used to implement AI in data enrichment, but we recommend ZoomInfo: A data enrichment tool that uses AI to provide real-time information about companies and people. While ZoomInfo is not always accurate, we find it helps to enrich prospect data in most cases and thus helps sales reps to better understand their prospects and personalize their reachout activities.

Lead & Account Scoring

Lead and account scoring is the process of assigning a value (i.e., a score) to a lead or account based on its likelihood to convert into a customer. This is important because it helps businesses prioritize their sales efforts and focus on the most promising leads.

AI can be used in lead and account scoring to automate the process of assigning scores based on historical data and predictive analytics. By using AI, businesses can get more accurate scores and better insights into their prospects – Helping sales reps to better plan and prioritize their efforts, removing guesswork and leading to superior sales outcomes.

Our own platform Forwrd.ai offers just that – A no-code platform that uses AI to predict which leads and accounts are most likely to convert into customers. 

Forwrd goes beyond assigning simple scores and spoon feeds your sales reps with the reasons why each score was assigned. This helps reps get deeper context and operate with confidence, all while tailoring each reach out attempt to the true needs of their prospects.

Conversational Marketing

Conversational marketing is the process of engaging with customers through real-time conversations, such as chatbots or messaging apps. This is important because it allows businesses to build relationships with their customers and provide personalized experiences.

AI can be used in conversational marketing to automate the process of engaging with customers through natural language processing and machine learning. By using AI, businesses can provide more personalized and efficient conversations with customers.

A tools that can be used to implement AI in conversational marketing include Drift – A conversational marketing platform that uses AI to engage with customers through chatbots. 

Drift accelerates intelligent conversations, pipeline, and sales rep onboarding with Drift and GPT’s Suggested Replies and Language Translations in live chat. It even lets you train your AI model with GPT in minutes to keep the momentum going with the 50% of conversations that happen after hours.


In conclusion, there are many ways in which AI can be used in B2B SaaS marketing departments to improve efficiency and performance. By implementing AI in areas such as data enrichment, lead and account scoring, conversational marketing, and content generation, businesses can gain a competitive edge and provide better experiences for their customers.

So next time your CEO or CMO prompts you to make use of AI in your marketing tasks, you’ll have this blueprint as a guide to help you get started. With the right tools and strategies, AI-driven marketing can be a powerful force for your business performance. 

Ready to accelerate your GTM motions with AI-powered predictions?
Discover how you can identify every high-potential prospect & at-risk customer (without technical skills).

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