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Lead Scoring System: 4 AI Models to Drive Revenue in 2024

Lead Scoring System: 4 AI Models to Drive Revenue in 2024Lead Scoring System: 4 AI Models to Drive Revenue in 2024

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Implementing an effective lead scoring system is crucial for companies looking to optimize their sales and marketing efforts in 2024.

With the right predictive AI models, businesses can identify and prioritize their most promising leads.

But which scoring models should you use to maximize your pipeline in 2024?

The 4 Key Predictive Models in a Modern Lead Scoring System

In this article, we will explore four must-have models for organizations doing demand generation and inside sales at scale:

  • MQL prediction
  • SQL prediction
  • Closed-won prediction 
  • Sales-ready dormant leads prediction

Let’s go over each one of the models and see how they can supercharge a modern revenue strategy.

MQL (Marketing Qualified Lead) Prediction

An MQL prediction model helps marketing teams to identify leads whose firmographics, demographics, and overall engagement indicate that they are likely to convert to sales. 

As a result, marketers can focus their efforts on nurturing and handing off these promising leads over to sales. 

An accurate MQL model ensures that sales teams receive a steady influx of prequalified and sales-ready leads.  

SQL (Sales Qualified Lead) Prediction

An SQL prediction model helps to arm SDRs with insights into which inbound leads exhibit characteristics common among historical leads that were previously marked as an opportunity.

By routing the most promising SQLs to account executives, SDRs directly enable the creation of greater pipeline and deal conversion rates.

Sales-Ready Dormant Leads Prediction

A Sales-Ready Dormant Leads Prediction model breathes new life into old or cold leads by identifying ones that now exhibit signals that they are ready to talk to sales. 

This allows marketing operations and sales development teams to efficiently re-engage dormant leads, resulting in entirely new pipeline creation.

Closed-Won Prediction

Finally, the Closed-Won Prediction Model lets AEs know which specific opportunities in their pipeline have the highest likelihood of converting to paying customers.

This model examines all the attributes and engagement signals related to opportunities that have converted into paying customers. 

It then matches them with those of all open opportunities, surfacing the most promising opportunities that AEs should prioritize.

When deployed together, this end-to-end AI lead qualification system encompassing four models can help power revenue growth through optimized lead scoring and prioritization across the entire customer acquisition process. 

Each model enhances the effectiveness of various go-to-market roles in a modern inside sales organization.

lead scoring system

Why Lead Scoring Matters More Than Ever 

With buyers having more alternatives than ever, you can’t afford to lose sight of prospects.

B2B organizations must implement a smart, scalable lead scoring system to capitalize on every sales opportunity. 

A multi-model lead scoring approach puts you in a better position to identify the ripest leads for sales teams to pursue.

Consequently, this system maximizes revenue all while minimizing wasted efforts.

Choosing the Right AI Models

In go-to-market operations not all lead scoring models are created equal. 

For optimal revenue operations, leads should be handled and scored in stages. 

MQL and SQL predictions help optimize inbound lead management, and Sales-Ready Dormant Lead and Closed-Won models help sales teams to progress pipeline opportunities to a closed-won status.

With rigorous evaluation at every stage of the acquisition funnel, companies set themselves up for a far more predictable growth.

Ready to accelerate your GTM motions with AI-powered predictions?
Discover how you can identify every high-potential prospect & at-risk customer (without technical skills).

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